Omaha Mural

Sunny & Chair

In early March, Midtown Crossing sent a call for a local Omaha artist to submit artwork for the  Sunny & Chair Community art project. This project involves turning Adirondack chairs into colorful works of art. When done, the chairs will be positioned throughout Midtown Crossing.

As a pre requisite all artists needed to submit their artwork of what they would be creating. I created this artwork digitally on my computer with my digital pen and tablet. I didn’t not know what I would be be painting on the arms and legs of the chair but let them know they would be painted. 

I submitted my design in late March 28th and was pleased to hear that that it was been excepted for the project! I received my chair a week or two after that. This video shares the first step in the process, assembling the chair…

After a vigorous sanding, its next step was on to a couple of coats of primer. Now that I had a blank canvas, the fun was ready to begin!

Over several days I created my composition. I brightened up some of the colors from the original digital artwork I did on the computer to help make it pop and not so dull looking. Originally I started painting inside our basement due to poor weather, however, the fumes proved to be too potent and was forced to move my work outside. 

I mixed all my colors by hand so that I could pick the exact tone and hue I wanted using just 5 colors. I used Rustoleum Exterior Paint Color, typically used for farm equipment or painted outdoor metal machinery. I found the paint to be rather sticky in texture so I did thin down the paints with turpentine. 

You can find additional information regarding the Sunny & Chair community art project on the Midtown Crossing website.

Below are a few more photos and videos of all the other chairs from the local Omaha Artists.

View the products used in this project.


  1. Carol Stolp says:

    I saw your chair over the weekend – it’s one of my favorites!

    1. Thank You Carol I appreciate it!

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